AGM 2022 Minutes

Annual General Meeting Minutes 2022

Monday 4th April 2022
Desborough Indoor Bowls Club

The Vice Chair Mr Simon Biddlecombe opened the meeting with an explanation that the Chairman was unable to attend due to ill health and welcomed all to the meeting

Apologies received
Apologies were received from Keith Ryan, Dawn Conaty, Chris Collins, Alina Draycott and Lizzie Foster.

Matters arising from the minutes in 2020

It was noted the minutes were available on the website and should have been read prior to the meeting. There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.

To elect the Committee

It was discussed that the committee would be elected on block with Glen Houghton standing down as a Committee Member. This was agreed and a unanimous vote received. The Vice Chairman thanked Mr Houghton for his time and efforts over the last two years.

To elect the Officers of the Association
The Vice Chair proposed that each position be elected individually and this was accepted. All positions were accepted and elected unanimously.

To receive the Chair's report

The Vice Chair read the Chairmans report (noted below). There were no questions raised. At last, we are able to join together to hold an Annual General Meeting of the Desborough Allotment and Garden Association. Welcome to everyone this evening. The last two years have been extremely difficult times for us all, When the lockdown came in March 2020, none of us knew how the rest of the year was going to develop. However, during that difficult time our dedicated plot holders continued to work their ground, and with good weather during the summer of 2020 our harvest of produce during the year kept us going. Most importantly was the friendly faces and waves to each other as we continued to socially distance when on our allotments. The gardening products sold from the hut continued with the help and support of Committee Members and our Plot Manager Glen Houghton. Last year, 2021, was no exception and I hope that everyone will agree that the Association has helped to keep everyone's spirits up. We were able to continue to deliver produce to Marlow house in support of their meals on wheels to the community, which I know was greatly appreciated. As the lockdowns and regulations gradually eased in 2021, we were able to hold an annual BBQ once again and it was decided to introduce a flower and vegetable competition. Bob Sawfoot agreed to be our judge and what a turnout we had with vegetables of every variety and flower arrangements of every type. The weather was kind to us and it was agreed that the afternoon was a great success. We also had many comments noting how wonderful it was to get together again. During these last two years we have lost plot holders and members of our Association and our thoughts and good wishes go to their families. As we move on into the season of 2022 let us look forward to an annual outing, our annual BBQ and continue to support each other as we have done over the last two years.

To receive the Treasurer's report
The Treasure presented his report and there were no questions raised.

To appoint the Auditor
It was proposed that the Committee ask Richard Coe to fulfil this role and he accepted.

Forthcoming year
a. Annual outing update The outing to Blenheim palace flower show 2022 was discussed. It was noted by the Vice Chair that the £26 pounds did not include the tour of the Palace. If people wished to take the tour than this must be booked independently. Anyone who has put their name down should make payment as soon as possible. b. BBQ, prize giving and vegetable and flower competition The BBQ was discussed, and it was agreed this was a success with the best number of people attending we have had for many years. The Vegetable show was also discussed, and all agreed they wanted to continue with this event and expand the list of entries.

Any other business
Belinda Humphries noted that Shella Hodder has invited us to put on a stall at her event on the 23rd of April between 2:30pm and 5:30pm.

Neil Chambers noted the late payment of subs for plot holders was at it highest ever with 12 people having not paid at the time of the meeting. A discussion was held, and given we had 44 people currently on the waiting list, it was felt that the deadline was clear. We should send one last email giving these people 48 hours to pay or make contact before their plots were let out to the next people on the waiting list. All were in agreement.