July 2022 - Newsletter

Chairman’s Mid-Season Update

Annual Outing
Sadly, the June outing to Blenheim Palace was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. We were all incredibly sorry that we had to cancel the event at such short notice, however, next year, we will be back bigger and better than ever, watch this space.

BBQ and Vegetable and flower competition
Last year we managed to hold our annual BBQ, we also included a vegetable and flower competition that went down very well and was very popular. Given this we thought we should once again have the competition as part of our annual get together.
The Association Committee BBQ and competition will be held on Saturday 27th August at the Cemetery Fields where we will gather to celebrate the summers achievements. As last year, the judging for the vegetable and flowers will be held during the afternoon. The categories are as follows.

We will meet at 3.00pm, with food being served at 3.30pm.
However please arrive a little earlier if you are taking part in the competition to lay out your items. As is customary, we will provide food, however, please bring any liquid refreshments that you require together with cups, glasses and this year could we ask you to bring your own cutlery. We will continue to provide paper plates, and of course, don’t forget to bring along a chair for comfort. One of the highlights of the BBQ are the wonderful cakes and desserts that are made for all to share and enjoy, and we would once again be grateful if you are able to provide one.
To acknowledge your attendance please either email Alina Draycott on the email address of secretary@desboroughallotments.co.uk or complete the slip on the reverse of this letter and hand in at the hut or pass to a committee member. Please ensure that you note any dietary requirements you have and if you will be able to supply a pudding. Please respond by Friday 19th August at the latest.

I do hope to see as many of our members as possible at what is always a lovely afternoon.

Sales Hut
The Opening of the hut for sales to members will continue through the month of August and the last Friday opening will be the 26th August 2022.

Marlow House
Over the years we have supported Marlow House and dropped off any excess produce that we have, please could you all continue with this. We know Marlow House greatly appreciate everybody’s efforts Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the BBQ on the 27th August.

Chris Collins