The Association Constitution

  1. Name
    The name of the Association shall be the Desborough Allotment and Garden Association

  2. Objectives
    The objectives of the Association shall be;
    a) To ensure the sustainability of the Association and to encourage the community to be able to grow their own produce in a safe and well cared for environment.
    b) To liaise with the Local Authority for the use of gardening land.
    c) To obtain a supply of seeds, fertilisers and other consumables on behalf of members for sale in the shop.
    d) To arrange events and competitions and other social events.
    e) To share best practice and work together with other gardening associations in matters of mutual interest.

  3. Membership
    The Association shall consist of such persons whose applications for membership are approved by the Committee. Every member shall pay on entry into the Association an annual subscription.
    All plot holders on the site must be members of the Association
    Any member who is one month in arrears with subscriptions shall be held to have ceased to be a member, unless explanation in writing is given to the Committee of extenuating circumstances.
    The written explanation must then be approved by the Committee.

  4. Officers
    The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a Committee of Management of not less than six members.
    The committee shall retire at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in rotation but shall be eligible for re-election. A quorum shall be not less than five members.

    1. The Committee will consist of: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and at least 2 members.
    2. All committee members shall be Association members, however no more than 2 Committee members shall be non plot holders.
    3. The Chair and Vice Chair will be elected at the AGM and shall remain in post for two years.
    4. The Secretary and Treasurer will be elected at the AGM and shall remain in post for two years.
    5. The Committee will meet at least 4 times per year.
    6. The committee will have the power to co-opt to fill vacancies and the members so appointed shall hold office until the next AGM
    7. The Committee will elect/nominate a President at the first meeting after the AGM. The President shall hold a term of 3 years.
    The committee will be quorate with at least 6 members present (2 of whom must be Officers).

    Chairman – is the representative of plot holders – chairs meetings, is involved with membership issues.

    Vice Chairman – shall support and deputise for the Chair as required.

    Secretary – provide minutes of all meetings, to include the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and committee meetings and to act as a liaison between the Association members and officers.

    Treasurer – keeps records of all financial transactions. Ensure accounts are correct and available to committee in expenditure of association funds.

    Committee Members – ensure the smooth running of the Association and support the officers.

    President – to act as a figure head of the Association.

  5. General Meeting
    An Annual General Meeting will be held in February, when at least 28 days’ notice will be given. Reports will be presented, and voting will be by show of hands with Chair having a casting vote.

    Ten Association members shall form a quorum. At the meeting the audited accounts and the Chairs Report shall be submitted and the Officers and Committee for the ensuing year elected. A Special General Meeting can be called with a requisition in writing to the Secretary by at least ten members.

  6. Bank Account
    The Committee is empowered to open a bank account in the name of the Association and all monies received from any source on behalf of the Association shall be paid into such account. Cheques shall be signed by two out of three signatories.

  7. Auditors
  8. One Auditor shall be appointed, who is not a member of the Committee, to audit the Accounts and report thereon to the AGM.

  9. General
  10. These rules were agreed on 30 December 2018. Amendments may be made in writing at an AGM providing 14 days written notice is given to Secretary.

    Membership of the National Allotment Society shall be applied for and it shall be a condition of membership to agree to pay such annual affiliation contributions as may from time to time be prescribed.